The ultimate activities guide for the week of August 16 – 22, 2019.
1. Book Signing with Lauren Mechling
Friday, August 16
10:30 am – 12:00 pm @ Mitchell’s Book Corner
For a tale about girl power and friendship, pick up Lauren Mechling’s newest novel How Could She. It’s the the perfect beach read, and you can meet her over at Mitchell’s! This novelist, columnist, and reporter has written for The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal and currently writes for Vogue. For more information, click here.
2. Dreamland Conversations with Jeffrey Toobin
Friday, August 16
5:00 – 7:00 pm @ The Dreamland
Join acclaimed author, lawyer, and legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin for a talk at the Dreamland! Famous for books such as The Oath, The Nine, and The Run of His Life, which inspired American Crime Story: The People v. O.J., Toobin also works for CNN and the New Yorker, ensuring that this night will cover a wide array of topics! For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.
3. Nantucket Sounds: American Troubadour Bill Schustik Aboard Tall Ship Lynx
Friday, August 16
5:00 – 8:00 pm @ Waypoint Marine Boat Launch Straight Wharf
Come out and enjoy an evening of folk music with renowned troubadour Bill Schustik aboard Tall Ship Lynx. Schustik masterfully combines history, storytelling, and theater into his folk music. This event is BYOB, so don’t forget any drinks or food you’ll want to enjoy during the sunset sail. For tickets and more information, click here.
4. Paul Aresenault at the Susan Lister Locke Gallery
Saturday, August 17
All Day @ Susan Lister Locke Gallery
Head over to the Susan Lister Locke Gallery to support local art! Paul Aresenault opened his gallery on Nantucket in the 1990s and shows his work at Old North Wharf studio. He has traveled to far and away places including the Caribbean, Hawai’i, and South America to find inspiration, so you will certainly see tropical subjects and vibrant colors mixed in with Nantucket pieces. For more information, click here.
5. Book Signing with Michael May
Saturday, August 17
10:30 am – 12:00 pm @ Mitchell’s Book Corner
If you’re searching for some Nantucket history to round out your perfect summer beach reads, pick up Sconset: House by House at Mitchell’s! Michael May, Executive Director at the Nantucket Preservation Symposium, has written this book with the history of over 60 cottages in ’Sconset. For more information, click here.
6. Tim Russert Summer Groove
Saturday, August 17
6:00 – 11:00 pm @ Nantucket Boys & Girls Club
Show your support for the Nantucket Boys and Girls Club by coming out to its annual Summer Groove, the best party of the summer! This year, the event at 61 Sparks Avenue, named in honor of late board member and Master of Ceremonies Tim Russert, will honor his wife Maureen Orth and son Luke Russert. For tickets and more information, click here.
7. Pop-Up Book Signing with Elin Hilderbrand
Tuesday, August 20
5:30 – 6:30 pm @ Nantucket Bookworks
Get a signed copy of #1 New York Times Bestseller Summer of ’69! This coming of age book is set on Nantucket with snippets from Martha’s Vineyard and Boston too. Experience our island during a classic American era and watch personal and historic events unfold before our Nantucket characters’ eyes. For more information, click here.
8. Annie’s Kindness Blankets
Monday, August 19
1:15 – 2:30 pm @ Saltmarsh Senior Center
Give to a good cause this week and help out by making blankets at the Saltmarsh Center! Started by three girls who lost their mother to suicide, the goal of this campaign “is to send an everlasting hug to anyone that may need one.” Supplies will be provided. For more information, click here.
9. Nantucket Harbor Tour
Wednesday, August 21
10:00 – 11:00 am @ Great Harbor Yacht Club
Come get the inside scoop on everything about the Nantucket Harbor on this fun boat tour! There’s no better way to begin your Wednesday than on a boat, in the sun with your friends. For more information about this free event, click here.
10. Doing the Charleston with Sarah Leah Chase
Thursday, August 22
6:30 – 9:30 pm @ Nantucket Culinary Center
Join Chef Sarah Leah Chase in the kitchen to learn her top kitchen tips and techniques while she cooks her favorite southern-inspired dishes. The menu includes a Charleston cheese dip, shrimp and geechie grits, an eight-layer coconut cake, and more delicious morsels! For tickets and more information, click here.