N TOP TEN: November 3 – 9, 2017

The ultimate activities guide for November 3 – 9, 2017.

1. Salty Sweet Performs
Friday, November 3 – Sunday, November 5
3 P.M. @ Cisco Brewers

Cisco Brewers is serving up something a little salty and very sweet all weekend. Salty Sweet will be performing Friday through Sunday to add a little flavor to your festivities. What better way to spend a weekend afternoon than enjoying a nice Pumple Drumkin and listening to some tunes?

2. Closing Weekend: “Goosebumps, The Musical”
Friday, November 3 – Saturday, November 4
5:30 P.M. @ The Dreamland

Snag a seat for the final showing of Goosebumps: The Musical based on the spookily silly series by R.L. Stine. Watch as the mystery of the rumored phantom unfolds in this “play within a play” paired with songs to keep you humming along. For tickets and more information, click here.

3. FIT
Friday, November 3 – Saturday, November 4
6:30 P.M. @ White Heron Theatre Company

This weekend, don’t miss your chance to catch the two-night-only special reading of original show FIT, as developed by Nantucket summer resident and veteran island actress Marina Morrissey. Friday night’s showing is a donation-based ticket admission ($5-25) and includes a post-show discussion, while Saturday’s ticket price ($25) gains you admittance to the closing night cocktail hour with cast and crew. For tickets and more information, click here.

4. Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative Keynote
Friday, November 3
7 P.M. @ The Atheneum

Unearth the secrets of conserving native plants in coastal habitats with Dr. Richard Primack of Boston University. As an author of two widely used textbooks in conservation biology, Primack will share his expertise on the effects of climate change on our island environment. For more information, click here.

5. The Wild, Wild West Harvest Bash
Saturday, November 4
6 – 11 P.M. @ Great Harbor Yacht Club

Round up your crew and kick off your boots for the 14th annual Wild West Harvest Bash hosted by the Nantucket New School. With live music, silent and live auctions, dinner and dancing, this event brings the best of the West to Nantucket. For tickets and more information, click here.

6. Nantucket Walkabout: Shawkemo Hills
Monday, November 6
8 A.M. @ Shawkemo Hills

Put your best foot forward this fall with a scenic Shawkemo Hills walk with Nantucket Walkabout. Dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover North America, Shawkemo Hills offers views of Coatue, Great Point, and Nantucket Harbor. For more information, click here.

7. Educations Speaker Series
Tuesday, November 7
6 – 7:30 P.M. @ The Whaling Museum

The future is bright according to Meenoo Rami, author of “Thrive” and adamant believer that technology and the interconnected nature of our world can support life-long learning in the classroom. Currently the manager for Minecraft Education at Microsoft, Rami has extensive experience an an educator and has served as a teaching fellow with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. For more information, click here.

8. Women in Business Nantucket
Wednesday, November 8
6 – 8 P.M. @ 45 Surfside

This Wednesday, women with a vision will join together at 45 Surfside to show how the future of business is female. With hors d’oeuvres, prizes, and a cash bar, this event kicks off the funding of the Petticoat Row Fund for Nantucket Women in Business. For more information, click here.

9. Right Whales at the Brink
Thursday, November 9
12 – 1 P.M. @ The Whaling Museum

Join Dr. Charles “Stormy” Mayo as he shares the status of a species on the edge of extinction this Thursday. Despite many offshore summer sightings of the right whale, a recent decline raises concern of an uncertain future for these beautiful aquatic animals and Mayo will discuss the vital role of our island waters in this pressing issue.

10. Wine Trails of Napa Valley
Thursday, November 9
5 – 7 P.M. @ Épernay Wine & Spirits

Indulge in America’s finest wines of Napa Valley this Thursday with the experts from Épernay. Discover classic grape varietals form the wine region known for cultivating excellence, and take some bottles home to take you into the weekend!

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