Written By: Robert Cocuzzo | Photography By: Cheryl Richards and Zofia and Co.

A quick chat with event planners David Handy & Donald Dallaire.


N MAGAZINE: What’s one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you two?

HANDY & DALLAIRE: A lot of people think that we have been working as a team in the wedding and event planning business forever. However, Donald joined the company three years ago coming from a theater performance and design background. He used to be a costume designer, actor, singer and dancer.

N MAGAZINE: What’s the most unusual request you’ve received from a bride?

HANDY & DALLAIRE: One bride asked us to be on “grandma patrol” during the wedding reception. Apparently, her grandmother was known to try to grab a microphone at family events and sing. We kept a close eye on her and rest assured no karaoke came out that night.

N MAGAZINE: What’s the biggest piece of advice you give couples when they sit down to start planning their wedding?

HANDY & DALLAIRE: Communication is key. While this is not only important advice to carry throughout a marriage, it is especially important during the planning process. Always be open and honest when discussing all of the important details for the day of your wedding.

N MAGAZINE: What’s the biggest challenge in planning an event on Nantucket?

HANDY & DALLAIRE: Weather. Unfortunately, this is one thing we cannot control. However, that’s why we always have a Plan B and not even a hurricane can stop us from throwing a beautiful wedding. And yes, that did happen!

N MAGAZINE: Any funny stories?

HANDY & DALLAIRE: Every once in a while, we have a bride and groom who want to incorporate their dog into the wedding. Most will just want their furry friend to be included in photos, and that will be the extent of their involvement. However, this particular bride and groom wanted their dog to walk down the aisle before them. They had Flowers on Chestnut create a beautiful flower collar that was to be worn as he walked down the aisle. They had practiced before and assured us the dog could do it no problem. The ceremony started, the bridal party walked down and now it was time for the dog. Three steps in, the dog started wrestling with himself to get the flower crown off. While at the time, it was not so funny, we now laugh about him rolling down the aisle to get free from the flower collar.

N MAGAZINE: Working with your spouse must be challenging at times. How do you guys keep a strong marriage when times get tough at work?

HANDY & DALLAIRE: No, not at all…[Laughter] It helps that we have separate and unique roles. We respect that both of us have different contributions in not only our work life, but our home life. We try hard each week to make sure we have a balance of professional time and personal time together. We know when it’s time to be in “work mode” versus when it’s time to turn it off and adjust into “home life.”

N MAGAZINE: You two are one of the sharpest dressed couples on the island. What are the critical parts of a good outfit?

HANDY & DALLAIRE: We are flattered. When it comes to a great outfit, you must start with your staples and build from there. Our closet consists of a streamlined selection of suits we are comfortable in and know pair well with just about anything. From there, we are able to choose a statement piece to really finalize our look. We like to have fun with this, whether it’s a great pair of shoes from Artemis Design Co. or Stubbs and Wootton, a Daniel Wellington watch or a Peter Millar pocket square.

N MAGAZINE: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

HANDY & DALLAIRE: While Nantucket is home for us and our favorite spot to be in the summer, we wouldn’t mind a second home in St. Barths for the cold winter months. Yeah, we think an office on Nikki Beach could work.

N MAGAZINE: What’s the greatest event you two have ever attended together?

HANDY & DALLAIRE: Besides our wedding? [Laughter] One of our favorite events we attend every year is the Breast Cancer Research Foundation’s Hot Pink Party. Every year upstages the last, with incredible themes and exquisite decor. The best of the best are always in attendance, with the most fashionable pink ensembles. It really is one of our favorite nights for such an amazing cause.

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