By Steve Tornovish
The 20-member Nantucket beach fishing team, made up of Nantucket Anglers’ Club members, defeated the Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters Association in a week-long contest that ended, June 19. The Island Cup was decided by 7.5 pounds, or approximately one bluefish.
Things looked bleak for the Nantucket squad going into the final night of the tournament. The MVSA had worked to a 40-pound lead in a contest that had remained close all week. The Nantucket team was energized, striving to win back the Island Cup that the MVSA had captured with their win in 2020.
Willis Ferreira, a first-year member of the Nantucket squad, changed everything in the early-morning hours of the final day of fishing when he pulled in a 42-inch striped bass, the biggest fish of the tournament.
As Rafael Osona said, “He (Willis) has been beating MV for four decades!”
Victor Colantonio, captain of the MVSA team, will be taking the long boat ride to Nantucket very soon with the Island Cup.
The Nantucket team was made up of Dennis Dias, Scott Whitlock, Tammy King, James Hatton, Kurt Wiggin, Harold Wiggin, Willis Ferreira, Chuck Duce, Zander Trudel, Dave Bold, Josh Heald, Sam Wiggin, Cody Peterson, Rafael Osona, Dave Small, Rich D’Auteuil, Steve Tornovish, Bob Bechtold, Dale Gary and Ethan Potter.