Committee Recommends Sandbar for Jetties Beach Concession Lease

A town review committee has unanimously recommended that Sandbar be awarded a new five-year lease to run the town-owned Jetties Beach concession and bathhouse.

The Sandbar’s proposal was recommended over two competing bids, including one from the owners of Millie’s, the popular Madaket restaurant. The Select Board will vote on the recommendation from the committee on Aug. 4, and award a new five-year lease that will run from 2022 through 2026. 

Sandbar’s proposal to the town included annual lease payments totaling $750,000 over the five-year term, plus a revenue sharing component based on a percentage of annual sales above $1 million. While it was not the highest bid – that came from Vanessa Traniello at $800,000 in total payments – the committee members felt Sandbar had the strongest proposal, an excellent track record over the past five years, and multiple high quality references that were submitted.

“If you’re the incumbent, it’s a double-edged sword,” said review committee member Michael Cozort of Sandbar’s proposal. “If you’re doing it well, it’s an advantage. If you’re not doing it well, it’s a disadvantage. I feel they’ve done it well, particularly through a difficult time. They’ve been able to show how they know the staffing patterns that are required to run that business.”

The other town review committee members who voted to recommend Sandbar include: Brian Turbitt, the town’s municipal finance director; Rachel Day, assistant town manager for administration; Amy Baxter, town licensing administrator; and Janet Schulte, director of culture and tourism.

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