Photography By: Kit Noble

A quick chat with Hera Maharjan.

N MAGAZINE: What was your first job on Nantucket?

HERA MAHARJAN: As I remember, back in 2003, I helped hang those wall signs in the smoking area of The Muse.

N MAGAZINE: What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

HERA MAHARJAN: That I am the second generation of a cooking family. My dad is one of the great chefs in Nepal. His cooking videos have 400,000 views on Facebook the last time I checked. So I have a very good sense of food because cooking is in my family.

N MAGAZINE: Which business are you most proud of?

HERA MAHARJAN: Boat House…the establishment speaks for itself now. I just do my part.

N MAGAZINE: What’s your favorite order at your restaurant the Boat House?

HERA MAHARJAN: All of it, but have you tried the curried mutton from our Jamaican specials?

N MAGAZINE: What’s your favorite part of Nantucket?

HERA MAHARJAN: The bike shops and bike paths.

N MAGAZINE: If you could change one thing on Nantucket what would it be?

HERA MAHARJAN: Free landfill service on the island to all. It’s frequent that you are not allowed to throw stuff out or you are limited as to what you can throw out, which leads to individuals having trash around the house or sitting in their trucks or elsewhere around the island.

N MAGAZINE: What’s something positive that has come out of the coronavirus here on Nantucket?

HERA MAHARJAN: Our savior on Nantucket has been the coronavirus task force. They have handled the matter pretty well and kept the amount of cases down more than anywhere else in the world. My hats off to them.

N MAGAZINE: If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be and why?

HERA MAHARJAN: I’d go back to the heart of the Himalayas—Sarangkot, Pokhara, to be precise— where I would love to write books about achieving the American dream.

N MAGAZINE: When it comes to business, do you think this fall will be different compared to past offseasons?

HERA MAHARJAN: It could go either way. If we keep staying strong together as we have been doing, it will be a positive outcome both in business and saving lives. Stay strong, Nantucket.

N MAGAZINE: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

HERA MAHARJAN: Life is a long journey. You have to work real hard at some point in your life. You might as well do it now while you are young and strong, or you’ll have to do hard work later when you get old and weak. You have to pick the battle.

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