Written By: Emme Duncan

Understanding understanding. That was the theme of last weekend’s 7th annual Nantucket Project where 500+ eager attendees from around the world gathered for four days of thought-provoking conversation about what matters most. The discussion ranged in topic from the criminal justice system to human capital to sexual intimacy and everything in between, all the while pushing the audience to consider what is important and how we can understand that which makes us human.

And while there were many standout speakers – from ex-cons to Tony Award-winning actresses and Presidents to ex-White Nationalists – all brimming with words of wisdom and thoughtful nuggets of information and insight for the audience to chew on, here are a few of our favorite one-liners from the weekend. We’ll be sitting with these thoughts for the foreseeable future and anxiously looking forward to tnp8.

“You can only control the air conditioning in your own house.”

Karma Sherpa, founder and CEO of Sherpa Mountain Adventures

“The point of being a human is to make and share.”

Shantell Martin, artist

“If you want to be more forgiving, start with yourself.”

Nadia Bolz-Weber, Lutheran pastor and author

“Do what you can’t.”

Casey Neistat, filmmaker

“Behind every criticism is a wish.”

Esther Perel, psychotherapist and author

“Your life is a blank piece of paper and you are its only author.”

Glenn Beck, political commentator and author

Did you attend this year’s Nantucket Project? We’d love to hear your takeaways from the weekend! Email




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