NMF: Earth Got the Blues

Live of Nantucket

Earth Got the Blues carries on the traditions of some of the sharpest jazz and blues singers of a particular era. The quartet formed six years ago, out of what band member Tom Stoddart explains as, “A common love for the blues. We chose post-World War II and pre-rock and roll electric blues from the Chicago/Detroit area because it was such a fertile period of music and just really fun to play.” They take after Freddie King, Jimmy Reed, Muddy Waters, T Bone Walker, and a whole lot more of the blues kings of the day. The band performs regularly and year-round at the Rose and Crown and Cisco Brewery. Bandmates include Tom Stoddart, Erik Wendelken, Andy Bullington, and Nick Hayden, who has won the world snare drum championships the past three years in a row.

Photo: earthgotblues.com

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