Current Court Report For October 13, 2021

This week’s Current Court Report includes arraignments and dispositions from last week’s jury week sessions Wednesday through Friday in Nantucket District Court, along with this week’s session on Monday. We do not include minor motor vehicle violations.

Carey P. Ayres, 50, of 24 Brewster Road, had a May 31 charge of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon dismissed due to lack of prosecution.

 Ara Charder, 74, PO Box 734, was arraigned on a Sept. 5 charge of carrying a firearm without a license (stun gun). She had a not-guilty plea entered on her behalf and was ordered to return to court Nov. 8 for a pretrial hearing.

A June 30 charge of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol will be continued without a finding for one year against Alexa B. Debriere, 20, of Jupiter, FL. She was ordered to pay a $250 head/injury fee, $250 24D program fee and complete a drive alcohol education program, $50 victim/witness fee, $50 OUI assessment fee, and $65 per month in probation fees.

Alesander De La Cruz, 18, of 24 Mary Ann Drive, was arraigned on a Aug. 8 charge of assault and battery. He had a not-guilty plea entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court Nov. 8 for a pretrial hearing.

Jean Paul Escandon, 33, of Jupiter, FL, was arraigned on a Sept. 4, 2013 charge and Sept. 3, 2013 charge of distributing a class b drug. He had not-guilty pleas entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court Nov. 15 for a pretrial hearing.

Steven Garcia, 21, of Nantucket, was arraigned on a Aug. 8 charge of assault and battery. He had a not-guilty plea entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court Nov. 8 for a pretrial hearing.

Curtis L. Gooch, 50, of Scarborough, Maine, was arraigned on Sept. 20 charges of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and negligent operation of a motor vehicle. He had not-guilty pleas entered on his behalf and was ordered to return to court Dec. 9 for a pretrial hearing.

A May 25, 2019 charge of negligent operation of a motor vehicle against Vuk Jacimovic, 28, of 16 Bluebird Lane, will be continued without a finding for one year and will be required to pay a $250 head/injury fee, $50 victim/witness fee, and $50 per month in probation fees. An operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol charge stemming from the same incident was dismissed.

Francesca D. Karlson, 41, of 17 Ocean Ave., was arraigned on a Sept. 16 charge of possessing a class B drug. She had a not-guilty plea entered on her behalf and will have the charge dismissed following the payment of $250 in court costs.

An Aug. 10, 2020 charge of negligent operation of a motor vehicle will be continued without a finding for six-months against Mary Meyer, 62, of Prospect, Kentucky. She was ordered to pay a $250 head/injury fee, $50 victim/witness fee, and $50 per month in probation fees. A charge of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol stemming from the same incident was dismissed.

Aaron S. Riley, 36, of 1 Bailey Road, pleaded guilty to an Oct. 14, 2020 charge of assault and battery. He was ordered to complete one year of probation, pay a $50 victim/witness fee and $50 per month in probation fees. A second assault and battery charge and a charge of reckless endangerment of a child stemming from the same incident were dismissed.

Jacqueline Lizette Rios, 25, of 19 Fairgrounds Road, had a Sept. 30, 2020 charge of larceny over $1,200 dismissed due to a lack of prosecution.

John P. Skinner, 61, of 46 West Chester St., had June 16 charges of assault and battery on a family/household member, intimidating a witness/juror/police/court official, and malicious destruction of property under $1,200 dismissed due to a lack of prosecution.

An Aug. 31 charge of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol will be continued without a finding for one year against Carl Edward Sutton, 52, of 13 Dennis Drive. He was ordered to pay a $250 head/injury fee, $250 24D program fee and complete a drive alcohol education program, $50 victim/witness fee, $50 OUI assessment fee, and $65 per month in probation fees. A charge of negligent operation of a motor vehicle stemming from the same incident was dismissed.

Brandon M. Watson, 29, of 55 Cato Lane, had a Sept. 3, 2019 charge of assault and battery on a family/household member dismissed due to a lack of prosecution.

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